Swan Heritage: Philippa’s parents 55-year-old Swan colander is still used today
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Swan Heritage: Philippa’s parents 55-year-old Swan colander is still used today

Philippa, a member of our Swan community, recently shared this lovely story with us. She told us all about her mum and dad’s Swan colander. Sydney and Jill received this Swan colander in 1955 and it is still used and cherished to this day!

5 March 2021

Three images of Swan colander and Phillipas parents

Philippa's Family Swan Heritage story

We are delighted to share this beautiful story, loved and cherished since 1955, now a piece of Swan history. Once given as a gift of celebration and never to lose its sentiment. Through decades of being at the heart of a family. Passed on to generations, along with memories and treasured like new.

Jill and Sydney are Phillipa’s parents, who both used this colander every day, especially to prepare freshly, home-grown runner beans that Sydney would grow in their garden through late spring and into the summer months.

This colander played a fond memory of Pip’s childhood. Jill and Sydney received the colander as a wedding gift in 1955. After 62 loving years of marriage, they both sadly passed away in 2018. Leaving behind an item behind for Pip always to be remembered.

Photograph of old swan colander upside down on a wooden table

You may have noticed the adjusted colander handle… this was because Sydney would never throw items away that he could fix. So, he would use his workshop skills to mend things rather than throwing them away, providing them with another life.

We love to hear the relationships our customers have with their appliances. Each item holds emotion from the first to the last moment.

Pip told us that she “could never get rid of this as it makes me smile every time, I look at it.”

In loving memory of Jill and Sydney. We thank Pip for sharing their Swan story with us.

We wanted to share this heart-warming heritage story among our customers, as this is what we strive for as a household name, we believe in quality craftsmanship and design, built to withstand years of home life. You can rely on our products to never leave your side, a few scuffs and wear only makes them genuine, a reflection of a product that holds more than just what it is used for. We have gone through the changes producing new and inventive appliances for everyone to enjoy for years to come.

Celebrating 90 years of magical Swan moments

Image of unique Swan brand logo celebrating 90 years

Loyal since 1920, pioneering the breakthrough in innovative appliances. During the next few decades, the Swan brand maintained its popularity, with nearly every home possessing a Swan brand product. We proudly design and manufacture each item from our UK headquarters. Backed by 160 strong support teams including, house designers, customer services and quality control: producing appliances, cookware and kitchen accessories available across the world. Stories shared like this, keep our history alive.

We are truly delighted to have provided you with 90 years of reliable appliances you can always trust. Preserved throughout history, our products have been at the hub of people’s homes for generations. We are passionate about our journey we would love to see how your Swan products have stood the test of time with you, please reach out with your incredible heritage journeys.

To send in your own heritage story, tag our page on social media @SwanBrandUK, or send our team a direct message. We would love to see how our appliances have stood the test of time in your family home.

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