Swan’s Black Friday Live Event
17 February 2021
The Black Friday live event line-up
Bearing in mind the whole day adhered to social distancing rules and masks were worn where applicable. The hefty preparation involved; Black Friday t-shirts, masks and caps, a humungous Prize Wheel, a Hot Mess Mums Club Podcast, Vaccy races (a personal favourite), product hacks and Q&A featuring our best-selling Espresso Machine, the release of our Christmas TV ad, a messy food challenge, Christmas hacks for the holiday season lovers, a spicy cooking challenge, a designated TikTok area and a very interesting ASMR challenge. All of this happened right here at our very own Stoke-on-Trent HQ, and we don’t regret a thing!
Ensuring everything was COVID safe
We had to side step and adapt a lot from our initial plans due to the ongoing government restrictions. We struggled with ensuring everyone could travel down safely and we had to strategically cut down the number of persons in the Showroom on the day. This meant double the workload leaning on only half of the workforce.
We really wanted a larger number of characters involved and even more influencers for you to feast your eyes on! Next year, hopefully we can get these bigger plans achieved without any worldwide pandemics getting in the way! We’re really proud of how we made it happen, even with these obstacles in the way. This was a huge team effort and we already can’t wait for next Black Friday!
A behind the scenes clip to get you in the mood? Check it out here:
We’ll continue by telling you about the glamour involved in the day, bring it on.
The Hot Mess Mum’s Club
Google Search exclaims chic to be a flaunty French term that describes something or someone as stylish, indescribable and overwhelmingly great; chic could therefore also be used to describe TV legend, Jenny Powell. She doesn’t just make heads turn as she walks into a room; she exudes colour, stories and an irresistibly moreish charm. Jenny was joined by her powerful podcast partner-in-crime Kelly Pegg; Kelly provided a warm atmosphere on the day which helped the rest of us cope with the stressful organisation!
The Swan team were in their element just in reach of these amazing characters doing what they do best; talking Mums, lockdowns, turning 39 and our Black Friday sale products! These two lovely ladies combined form the Hot Mess Mums Club, you must have heard! They support Women, Wives, Mums and Daughters all over the world with podcasts, video content and just generally lovely comforting vibes (which is just what we need after the year we’ve had!).
Lynsey Queen of Clean
We were then graced with the presence of our gorgeous, smiley influencer; the one and only, Lynsey Queen of Clean! Lynsey also jumped on the panel with the power couple to offer her fresh insight into lockdown, motherhood and some irresistible cleaning tips to get us through lockdown mess!
The Vac Mat
Speaking of mess? We also had The Vac Mat here with us at Swan! A very cheery chappy, we were thrilled to have him joining in with the Black Friday madness. Vaccy Races? He invented it! The filming crew had a good chuckle watching our guests’ race down our Showroom carpet tackling the obstacles of piled gravy granules, Coco Pops and powdered mash with our very own Swan Vacuum Cleaners to the Finish Line! On your marks… get set! Vacuum!
Are we done with name-dropping yet? One more, I promise! We had the brilliant Lindsay, owner of the amazing cleaning account found via @dazlincleaning. Lindsay’s out-going personality jumped straight in there with testing out some of our brand-new Swan products, making hot chocolates and a range of coffees. We even talked her into our Swan Food Challenge, she was so brave and we thank you Lindsay for forgiving us!
Swan’s Black Friday socials – TikToks and Twitter takeovers
We take pride in our Swan Social Media platforms and they certainly got some attention for our BF Event! We enticed people in with giveaways, exclusive BTS footage, TikTok cheekiness and of course the live stream of the entire day! We are still so grateful to everybody who got involved in our challenges and competitions, the day really flew to its full potential.
We had a social media team up to no good with a Twitter Takeover campaign; getting involved with the likes of local celebs Robbie Williams and a bit of cheeky interaction with Harry Styles’ mum! Our #BlackSwan hashtag kept everyone on their toes throughout the day with giveaways, schedule updates, Black Friday deals and of course, some mischievous polls.
Supporting Alice Charity
All the while we were still pushing to raise money for The Alice Charity who support local disadvantaged and vulnerable families, we ended up raising £500! Our staff had a great time helping the The Alice Charity out for the day, helping to organise the donated food bags, making sure it was all in date and fit for the families in need, bagging up a comforting amount of food and essentials to last the families until their next delivery, and then of course delivering the designated bags of food out to the relevant homes. The families were so grateful for the help they’d received from TAC, giving really is more valuable than receiving. The Swan team can’t wait to go and help out at The Alice Charity again; we only wish we could do more!
Our Christmas Advert coincidentally got released on the 27th of November in the midst of all of this madness! We couldn’t resist showing the world of Twitter our home-hitting Christmas TV ad; it really helped us to spread the love over a difficult Christmas for all of us.
Come on, how can you resist this little face!
It was a really rewarding sight to see people having some normality together after months of isolated lockdown blues. Everybody involved worked so hard and it was brilliant to enjoy this day together safely to support a really good cause. We can’t wait to get the ball rolling to prepare for next year’s event, bigger and even better!
Watch the full Black Friday Live Event!
Click here to see the full day right before your eyes!
Please note this is the pre-recorded event, all events and giveaways expired 27th November 2020.
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