Our Top Recipes to Dazzle this Easter Sunday
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Our Top Recipes to Dazzle this Easter Sunday

It’s an exciting time as dandelions burst into bloom and chocolate eggs fill supermarket shelves. As family and friends gather to celebrate this Easter, we’re here to help make this Sunday dinner the most memorable one yet...

22 March 2018

Below are some of our favourite recipes, the ones we feel will leave you beaming with pride as your family grows excited by the smells escaping from the kitchen and leaves complimenting your superb culinary skills at the end of a memorable meal.

Carrot and coriander soup in a yellow bowl next to a spoon and loose carrots

To Start, A Soup of Course!

What is more warming and comforting than a bowl of steaming hot Carrot and Coriander Soup to kick off proceedings? It’s simple to make but delicious to taste and any leftovers are easily refrigerated to be enjoyed another day. Serve with a warm role with a slather of melting butter in the middle to complete this show starter.

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Rosemary and garlic lamb shoulder on a wooden board next to gloves of garlic

The Main Event

Sunday dinner needs a star attraction and we have just the thing to inspire a round of applause for the chef. Our Rosemary and Garlic Lamb Shoulder is a recipe inspired by tradition. Tender to cut and flavourful to taste, no serving will go un-devoured and any leftovers can be shredded for salads, pastas and even burritos. Nothing need be wasted if you’re entertaining a small party this year and there will be plenty if the whole family is coming to dinner.

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Pile of yorkshire puddings on a wooden table

Sides Make A Meal

What is a roast dinner without the trimmings? Our Yorkshire Puddings are light, fluffy and crispy where it counts. They’re so simple to make and you’ll be glad you gave it a go when they emerge from the oven, golden brown and light as air.

Serve with a rich, thick gravy and honey roasted veg to hear a chorus of happy sighs and see a table of contented faces when the last forkful is finished.

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Slice of apple pie with a pile of clotted cream on a white plate

What’s for Dessert?

Drum roll please! We know that there will always be room for dessert, no matter the size of the dinner plates in any home. We feel that this special occasion deserves only the best which is why our Ultimate Apple Pie has made the list. It’s easy to make and is sure to wow friends and family with its full flavour.

Severed either hot or cold, this is a pudding that’s been delighting families for centuries. Why not serve this scrumptious pie hot alongside a scoop or two of Fearne’s Frozen Yoghurt with Orange and Rosemary?

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Easter Sunday is a special day for the family and if you follow our advice, we know this year’s event will be one to remember.

We’d love to know what you’re having for Easter Sunday! Get in touch on social media to share your photos and recipes, let’s spread the joy this spring.

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